"I have traveled the world
ten times over. I have had to the opportunity
to Chair the NSCA sports
specific conference for 3 years. I believe it
would be a safe thing to
say that I have been around some of the best
strength and conditioning
coaches on the planet. When it comes to
baseball, I believe few
strength coaches I have ever met have the
perspective to the strength development of baseball
players as Adam Brush."
"Adam has played and coach
baseball, giving him a practical knowledge of
the game, coaches like me
will never have. He has also dedicated the last
10 years to studying the
functional biomechanics of baseball, as well as
the application of
functional training methods to specifically deal with
baseball related
performance. When you look at the players Adam has
trained, and the impact he
has had on their performance, his capabilities
become blatantly obvious.
This is why I had complete confidence in making
Adam the director of IHP
- Juan
Carlos Santana